At Rivano Chiropractic Health Center we strive to provide the highest level of professional expertise, compassion and patient service possible in a comfortable, healing environment. We educate our patients about their diagnosis, injury prevention, proper diet and exercise, and behavior modification choices. Our primary objective is to first Minimize Pain and Maximize Function by restoring our patients’ optimal health and quality of life while empowering them with the skills to maintain it.
Dr. Rivano selects evidenced based treatment techniques but remains open minded to experimental and investigational treatment options that demonstrate promise to help those suffering. We integrate chiropractic treatment methods and physiotherapy to provide our patients the best possible non-surgical, non-invasive care for musculoskeletal conditions. Our practice continues to grow through the kind referrals of our satisfied patients and healthcare professionals. Without them this practice would cease to exist. For their genuine appreciation and confidence in our practice we are grateful!